7 Beaches

Serapo, Fontania, Quaranta Remi, Ariana, Arenauta, San Vito and Sant’Agostino. These 7 beaches in Gaetacan be found along the coastline between the rocky coast of the Split Mountain at the feet of Mount Orlando and the suggestive grottoes of Sperlonga.

10 kilometers of beaches spaced out only by small inlets and rocky peaks. The common singularity to all these beaches is the presence of light and very fine sandclear water and surrounded by thick Mediterranean vegetation.

  • Serapo Beach is the main beach of Gaeta. Close to the city center and the Medieval district, with many beach resorts it is always heaving with Italian and foreign tourists, drawn by its fine golden sand.

The beach is embraced at South by Mount Orlando where the Sanctuary of the Split Mountain can be found, and at North by another parallel hill where there are other inlets with both private and public access to the seaside

From the shore you can admire the so-called Nave di Serapo (Serapo Ship), a great cliff whose elongated shape reminds of a ship. This rocky formation is easily reachable from the close beach that we are about to discover: Fontania Beach.

  • The small Fontania Beach is located slightly North-West to Serapo Beach, reachable by foot or swimming. In the past, due to its wonderful location, Roman consul Gneo Fonteo decided to take up his abode here. The remains of his great Roman villa dating back to the first century AD are still today preserved.

In the East side are two big grottoes and at the bottom of the one in the left there is a small spring, from which probably the beach takes its name. In the sea are still the remains of six big pillars, which presence supports the idea that this inlet in the past housed a great pool communicated with the sea.

  •  Beach of 40 Remi (40 Oars) is a small beach that can be reached only by boat or swimming. Its name recalls the number of strokes that one needs to row in order to get there from the near dockings. Not far from the small beach of Quaranta Remi is Pozzo del Diavolo (Well of Devil), also known as Pozzo delle Chiavi (Well of Keys), a grotto that suddenly appears in an opening of the rock and after a 50-meter leap sinks into the sea. Given its location, it is only possible to reach it with a small boat or swimming. Watching the starry sky at night through this opening in the rock is a unique experience!
  • Ariana Beach, several times awarded Blue Flag for its clear waters, ows its name to two terms of the ancient local language: Aria-Sana (Healthy Air). Characterized by thin sand, crystalline sea and by the close Mediterranean scrub it is easily recognisable thanks also to the so-called scogli dei tre cani (Cliff of the Three Dogs).
  • Arenauta Beach is also known as Beach of the 300 Steps, because the only way to get there is going down a staircase formed exactly by 300 steps. As soon as you will look out onto this small spot of paradise your exertion will be widely rewarded.

Its thin and golden sand and its clear water make this place unforgettable.

The southernmost limit of this beach is known and appreciated by nudism lovers, who practise it even in the months of July and August. But don't worry, the area is clearly separated from the rest

  • San Vito Beach is right after the small private bay of Grand Hotel Le Rocce and the Tower with the same name on top of the hill.

In here you can still swim among clear waters, explore sea grottoes and isolated inlets, but bear in mind that it can only be accessed from the opposite hospitality facilities.

  • the splendid bay of Sant'Agostino, with 2 km of costline, is the longest and also most frequented beach of Gaeta. Spectacular rocky falls and a deep blue sea frame this beach, partly private and partly free. This bay is famous also among mountaineers and climbers who practise free climbing here, on a high rocky side of Mount Moneta.

The huge face of the mountain dominates the Plain of S.Agostino with its legendary red cliffs, where it is always allowed to climb, except in the period when the peregrine falcon nests, from 25th February to 15th April.